Fat-Burning Foods


In your quest to lose weight, there are a variety of foods that are not only healthy and nutritious, but help your body lose weight naturally and increase your bodys rate of fat loss. Incorporating some or all of these foods into your daily diet will speed up weight loss, burn fat, and help in your search for a better, healthier body.

* Apples and berries contain pectin. Pectin restricts the amount of fat the cells can absorb and forces the cells to discharge fatty deposits.

* Citrus fruits contain high concentrations of Vitamin C. Vitamin C burns fat by diluting or liquefying it. This makes it less effective and easier for the body to flush fat from the system. Vitamin C also helps burn out the cholesterol making it difficult for cholesterol deposits to form in blood vessels.

* Calcium in dairy products like milk, cheese, and yogurt plays an important role in weight loss by accelerating the fat breakdown in fat cells.

* Broccoli and Cabbage both contain very high quantities of calcium and Vitamin C and are full of fiber!

* Eggs are high in protein and essential in burning fat. If you are concerned about cholesterol, you can eat the white part as that is the most nutritious part of the egg.

* Garlic or garlic oil helps reduce fatty deposits in your bodys cells.

* Green Tea boosts metabolism and may aid in weight loss. It also contains anti-cancer properties and helps prevent heart disease.

* Hot Peppers can speed up your metabolism. This causes you to burn more calories.

* Lean Turkey fires up the bodys fat-burning abilities by boosting metabolism and building lean muscle tissue that, in turn, burns more calories.

* Oatmeal and Whole Grains are great sources of fat-absorbing fiber that keeps the body full by providing it with energy. They also rev up the metabolism, necessary for burning fat and calories.

* Soup is a terrific appetite suppressant. Burn fat faster by having a bowl of soup as an appetizer or a snack. Make your own with lots of fresh veggies.

* Soybeans contain lecithin, a chemical that protects your cells from accumulating fat. Lecithin prevents fat from forming on your cells and breaks down fatty deposits in your body.

* Eat the right type of fats:

Monounsaturated fats lower the risk of heart disease, burn fat, and reduce the bad(LDL) cholesterol, without affecting the good (HDL) cholesterol. These healthy fats can be found in olive oil, avocados and nuts (pecans, peanuts, almonds, and cashews). Omega 3 fatty acids have the same function as the monounsaturated fats and can be found in salmon, sardines, herring, and canola oils.

Dont forget. The first rule of a healthy and nutritious diet is to drink water, lots of water! Water flushes out the system and eliminates harmful toxins. It enables the body to run more efficiently, speeds up metabolism, and makes it easier to lose weight and burn fat. Your body is made up of 70% water and needs a lot of water each day to perform its necessary functions.

Chris Chenoweth, author of the DO-IT-YOURSELF HOME, HEALTH & MONEY GUIDE (mysiteinc/djtrevayne/guide.html), writes articles pertaining to nutrition, health issues, and household budgeting.Bipolar Affective Disorder Type 2
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The True Art Of Memorization


There are many ways to try to improve your ability to memorize and process information. Unfortunately in our age many have only considered the physical factors affecting it (i.e lack of healthy food, vitamins etc) although the psychological factors are much greater. First of all, before you even try to memorize anything you should ask yourself why you want to memorize it?

Is it necessary or is it enough to just understand a principle without the need of memorizing it. Secondly, what are your motives behind wanting to memorize this information. You see, having a strong purpose will make your job a lot easier, even if you don't really give it much thought. Having that said, I believe we've covered some of the basics and fundamentals of memorization so let's move on to the actual techniques.

To memorize something, you need to learn the art of association, namely linking one piece of information (the thing you want to remember) with another more explicit piece of information (i.e something you already remember), this will enable you to recall the former without any real need of reflection.

It's here that mnemonics come into the picture. Mnemonics are basically a type of memory aid used in order to memorize different pieces of information, a good example of a mnemonic is the thirty days hath September rhyme which is thought in elementary schools all over the U.S. Albeit, mnemonics do not end there, you could for instance link between pieces of information by rhyme, by alliteration or something of that kind.

Do remember that we all learn in different ways so do not force yourself to adapt to a specific way of learning if it does not fit you. The purpose of your studies is for you to learn not to follow a certain way of learning, right? Having that said, I would like to conclude this article with the following words:

A successful student forces him/herself to remember.

Adam Abderisak, a.k.a. "Study Coach" is an education instructor and entrepreneur. His latest work is a study guide entitled "Study Guide Pro". Be sure to visit his website to check out some of the most "lethal" study techniques known to man: study-habits/study-guide.htmlBipolar Depression Medications
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