Recognizing Depression

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Many people suffer from depression, both men and women. Some 10-15% of people suffer from it at some time in their lives. To tell you the truth, this surprises me I would think it would be much higher. Depression has a tendency to increase with age. This may be due to social isolation, failing mental powers and physical illnesses. Women tend to suffer more so then men. But this may be due to the fact that women will open up to their doctor more so then men. Also men are more apt to handle their depression through alcohol, violence or other expression of discontent.

Symptoms of depression are feelings of sadness, hopelessness, pessimism, and a general loss of interest in life; combined with a sense of reduced emotional well-being. Symptoms vary with the severity of the illness. Main symptoms are anxiety and variable mood. Some people have fits of crying that seemingly come out of nowhere. In the more severe forms a person may suffer from the loss of appetite, difficulty sleeping, loss of enjoyment in social activities, feelings of tiredness, and loss of concentration. Many will hide away in a room where Dsmiv Symptoms can be isolated. Many turn to a bed, where they seldom come out. They will find many excuses just to stay under the covers. Sometimes many people who say they are ill a lot, are actually depressed, and using the excuse of a sickness to be able to stay by themselves or in bed. Although they may not be sick, as in the flu, they are definitely ill depression makes a person ache all over, and can actually cause many symptoms similar to the flu. A person's movement can either be slowed or agitated. Severely depressed people may even think of suicide. They may have thoughts of guilt or worthlessness. In extreme cases it can cause hallucinations or delusions. Finally, the person may become totally withdrawn and spend most of their time huddled in bed.

Usually true depression has no obvious cause. Many times it will run in families, so if you suffer from depression, know that there is a higher chance that your children may suffer from it as well. So you'll want to keep an eye out for any sign of depression, so you can catch it early and make sure they seek help.

There are three main forms of Borderline Bipolar Disorder for depression: Psychotherapy is most useful for those people whose personality and life experiences are the main cause of their illness. Drug treatment is used for people who have predominately physical symptoms. Electroconvulsive Therapy (ECT) which is given under general anesthetic is usually reserved for treating severely depressed people, especially if they are suffering from Mixed Ambipolar or have failed to respond to treatment.

The outlook is good for must sufferers, provided they are given appropriate treatment and advice. Many may require continuous treatment and may be socially handicapped. However, spontaneous recovery is possible, even after many years of illness.

Tracey Criswell Wilson is an author on Writing / Writing / Many of Tracey's writings which include, non-fiction, poetry, prose and many fiction genres, can be found on this site, which is a site for Writing / Writers .

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